Monday, April 28, 2008

God and Stone

Logical theory is an interesting field in Mathematics. I would like to say this is more related to philosophy of science than mathematics. The two words often debate in this field is the consistency and completeness.

Let us consider the theory about God. A theory basically consists of propositions.
Let us take the propositions relating God and stone.

  1. God can crate stone of any size
  2. God can lift stone of any size
  3. God can destroy stone of any size
Now let us try to answer the following questions.
  • Can God create stone of any size, say infinitely big and heavy?
The answer is yes, he can. Here comes the tricky question.
  • Can God create a stone, he can't lift?
If you say No, then he cant create every stone(I mean the one he can't lift)
If you say Yes, then he cant lift every stone in the world(violation of proposition no:2)

One can ask similar question for proposition no:3 also.

If you can answer the question(doesn't matter either yes or no), the consistency of the theory is destroyed. If you can't answer the question , then the theory appears to be incomplete.

This is true for every theory in the scientific world. No theory in this world is complete and consistent. This was proved by a Austrian logician Kurt Gödel in 1931.

These theories are hard to understand.
Till this point, what ever I described is just to demonstrate the incompleteness theorem.
Today morning I got a funny idea, that I can use the incompleteness theorem to prove the existence of complete theorem.

If a formal theory exists to prove that no formal theory is consistent and complete, that theory it self is inconsistent or incomplete(again self referential :)). So it is possible to make valid arguments for the existence of complete and consistent theory from the incompleteness theory itself. I am just laughing about my arguments. Sometimes I feel this is great argument and sometimes I feel there is a flaw in it.

Anyway I don't mind what ever is the outcome. It's just a fun to think about all these stuffs

Some Quotes

I have no idea who has said all these quotes, but it is good to read..
• Never limit your challenges; challenge your limits
• Every change is not a progress, but every Progress is a change..... Do it Now !

• Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you'll surely lose the person for lifetime.

• There is only one difference between dream and aim. Dream requires Soundless sleep to see…Where as Aim Requires Sleepless Efforts to Achieve.

• Once all village People decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayers all assembled, only one boy came with an umbrella. That' called Confidence.

• Sometimes we put walls around our heart, not just to be safe from getting hurt, but to find out who cares enough to break the walls and get closer.

• View a negative experience in your life like how you look at a photo negative. A single negative can create an unlimited number of positive prints!

• Tackle life with all your skills, overcome each and every hill. If u persist with all your will, you'll enjoy your life and all its thrills.

• Hunger wakes you to work, failure makes you to achieve, poverty pushes you to earn, problems keep you alert. Its just +ve attitude that makes life sweeter & worthier!

• If victory is certain then even a coward can fight, but the real brave is the one who still dares to fight when his defeat is certain.

• We are all born in this world for some special Purpose... none of us are waste. So, don't be a prisoner of past be an architect of ur future.

• If we desire to blossom like a rose in the garden, then we must learn the art of adjusting with the thorns. Difficulties will make you shine.

• Expect more from yourself than from others because expectation from others hurts a lot while expectation from yourself inspires a lot.

• There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem and a concerned person solves a problem. So, be a concerned person.

• Kill the stress before it kills you. Reach the goal before it kicks you. Help everyone before someone helps you. Live life before life leaves you.

• The difference between God and Man being is... God Gives and Forgives. Man Gets and Forgets!

• The difference between ability and character is... ability will get us to the top, but character will retain us at top. Be at top always!

• If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain; in order to love you gotta risk the pain.

• If you cry because the sun is gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.

• Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. Gud Day!

• In the chase between Cat & Mouse, the mouse mostly wins coz the cat is running for its food & mouse for its life. Purpose is more important than Need!

• It’s not your mistake if you can't read the eyes which cheats u but it's really your mistake if you can't read the eyes which cares you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Trip to Heaven, via Hell

Thanks to the efforts of Ramesh, Srinivas and Co. for arranging a wonderul,
exciting and thrilling Amsterdam trip.It was 7 people , Ramesh ,Selvi, Srinivas , Sushma, Chinna, Tapan and Myself.

I added the word thrilling because of the events went on during our flight from Munich to Amsterdam by KLM Airlines.
Everything was fine when we started from Munich. Just few minutes before landing, it started. There was smoke in the
cabin. It was becoming more and more intense, as time went on. Smoke alarm went on and emergency lights activated. Passengers on board were tensed and there
was no proper explanation form Pilot. It was announced that as soon as we land, we are asked to get out immediately. It was really thrilling and exciting. Most people worried, but truly speaking, I really enjoyed. Later I realize that it was an unusual behavior that I didn't bother a bit about the things went on during the flight. May be I was optimistic, that we almost reached the airport, so if something goes wrong, rescue operations would be so fast. So there was a good chance of survival.

Funny thing about the smoke is , that it was there in the cabin only for few minutes, but it was there in our minds for next two days. Anyway it was good experience, I enjoyed it.But the sad thing is Ramesh got smokophobia.. :)

We spent two days in Holland and the two days we had huge difference in weather conditions. First day we can't walk without jacket, second day we can't walk with jacket. Tulip garden was wonderful, but crowded. It was my first visit to a beach in Europe. It was quite good.There was a big chess board in the park, I played against two kids from Holland and I lost :). They were pretty good, but still I enjoyed the game. It's not the out come of the game, but playing game itself is a pleasure. I realize that after playing that game.

There was some festival going on in the city center. There was an amusement ride, its a big rotating arm with 10 people attached on both ends. It was my long time desire to ride on such things. Now I got a change in Amsterdam, and that too as a physicist, when I see the acceleration is 4.5g , I can't stop my self doing it. It was a trilling experience coming upside down, form the top to bottom with 4.5g acceleration and then suddenly pulled back just before hitting the ground. I had the feeling that my shoos are going to flyaway. I could fell the blood flow in the body while acceleration. It was a fantastic experience. In the beginning I was scared, but later I just closed my eyes and rejoiced. I tried to guess the motion of the arm, by closing my eyes and just feeling the acceleration in my body.

This trip created wonderful memories, which would remain in our minds for long long time.........