Sunday, April 4, 2010

Open source image processing

Yesterday we visited Hindu temple at Hamm. It's not quite often that you come across Hindu temples out side India. We took photographs using Cannon EOS 400D SLR camera. I took the raw image and processed using Open source software GIMP. There is a common misconception that these free softwares are no way comparable to the professional softwares. I agree the fact that open source user interface may not looks good, it may have bugs in it. But still its capable of producing quality outputs. I knew only few functions in GIMP. I feel that is sufficient to process my photos.

Here is an example, I took the worst photo from the trip and tried to get best out of it. This one is taken with wrong camera settings

I used GIMP to process the raw data and got this photo

These photos are symbolic representation that the darkness create by Microsoft and Apple will soon be removed by the light from the free(as in freedom, not in terms of money) softwares.

Here is the FSF song from Richard Stallman, software freedom fighter..

Be proud to be an open source user.. I DO.......

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